What is this for?

Hello, World!

This is my take on private telegram channels people create for themselves. I have always thought like, what is the point if no one sees it? Now, as someone who I am a big fan of says, you “hear me roar” on my own domain, basically.

Short answer is: to answer questions.


Growing up is interesting. It raises a lot of questions. Some of them you were just not old enough to answer, and some of them you never thought you’d be asking. Those questions put you in a state of uncertainty, you feel lost, maybe even scared.

You do your research, you ask around, and find out that none of them have a simple yes or no answer. Now YOU have to decide what is wrong and what is right, which makes you responsible for your own opinion and the decisions you make. Maybe you even will have to take a stand and defend your views, figuratively and literally. Ooh boy, how fun does that sound?

Such questions are relevant for everyone, but answering them takes a lot of time and energy. Some people don’t want to bother themselves with them because of that, sometimes it is everyday routine that takes it away, and sometimes questions are too painful to answer. Meaningless scrolling of your feed also doesn’t leave any chance for any thought to appear in your head. But avoiding and failing to answer these questions will keep you in uncertainty, and have a pretty shitty life in general from what I have noticed.

But where to find these answers?


No human is born with innate knowledge. To form an opinion you have to have some input. Fortunately, nowadays quality input is all around us and accessible more than ever before.

I think that anything produced by a human being – be it a book, a movie or a piece of art or music – is essentially an input in a conversation. If you share your work with the public – you are expressing your idea, and that creates a conversation between you and your audience, because you receive a response – criticism, appreciation and/or support, just as you do when talking to somebody. Even if you decide to keep it private, it can be viewed as a conversation with yourself. And if your work can spark a discussion between people, it will outlive your physical essence by many years.

I seek for the input in conversations. How grateful I am for the opportunity to freely talk to people. Every meaningful conversation contains ideas that embrace or challenge my worldview, so I either get more confident, or get closer to the truth, so it is a win-win situation.

Thus, I truly appreciate people that are up for an open debate (emphasis on open). Fortunately, people around me usually are.


If I die tomorrow – my entire existence would be pointless. I didn’t manage to generate much value to the world yet. So what can I do?

What I came up with was this blog. You might say like:

What the heck do you have to say when you are a teenager?

Well, agreed, but I’m not here to change the world. I am just sharing what I have. Besides, value seems to me like something subjective anyways, so I let me justify.

Probably most of the things that I will be talking about already have been well documented and discussed in great extent for centuries by philosophers and other people. I recognize that I am illiterate in this regard and almost all of my concerns are not original. But that shouldn’t stop me from thinking, right? In fact I would (and will) gladly read on the question I have discovered, because it is not the source of the thought, but another input to consider.

New input on the topic alters your opinion.

That’s a whole another topic on its own, but it is the main reason for this to exist. This blog is interesting for myself in a sense that I get the opportunity to look back, and see how my opinions have changed with each new input.

However, that is not to say that none of my ideas are authentic. Although the input is from the outside, the final opinion synthesis, is done in your own head. It is also important to consider your own experiences that you draw conclusions from and emotions and feeling that greatly impact your views. So the output is mine, 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 talk 🤓

No one is saying that you have to answer any questions though. You can totally get through life without any deep thinking so to say. But personally, I wouldn’t consider it a life but a miserable existence. You essentially become an empty vessel with no value.

I believe no matter if you want it or not – answering the questions is crucial. Your answer matters, therefore you matter, if you have one. This is a channel to share my answers.

Well, maybe it’s not that deep 😅

You get the gist from my writing above. Aside from that, I’ll probably be posting anything that I find relevant in general. Take a look if you are interested, and if you disagree or have something to add – your comment (in any language) is greatly appreciated! That’s all it is for this blog.

Thank you for reading!